Yes! Me too!

In the wake of the #MeToo movement in India, I thought of re -blogging this one year old post. The storm has come and it will spare no one!

The Chronicles of Life

Yes Me too and I know maybe you too but you won’t say, you won’t open up or even stand up with the others. We still live in a society where a woman is believed to bring sexual harassment upon herself, where victim shaming is easier than punishing the perpetrator, where most women live in denial that they have been harassed sexually or otherwise, where most men do not even realize when they are sexually harassing a woman!

Yes, you read that last thing right. So when recently social media was abuzz with Me Too hashtag, I too went ahead and posted it because yes why not! I too have been subjected to sexual harassment infinite number of times. Be it while using public transport, or in a crowded marketplace or the lecherous eyes of a boss. It’s everywhere!  I was also expecting some nincompoops to question me about this…

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