Life of the IT woman : Part 3

Goodbyes are tough.

From the day I was inducted into this software company, there is one thing that I have heard time and again from HR, managers, colleagues. Something I now say to the freshers’ batch I mentor, to the people who report to me.

You have entered the Corporate World. No one here is a friend or family. Don’t expect them to behave like one. Build a relationship that’s completely professional. 

And yet over the years we get entangled in silly friendships, become each other’s support system in strange cities away from home. Some become our Friday night beer buddies, some become agony aunt, some that depend on us , others that we depend on. It is unavoidable. These relationships get built without warning.

It’s time for me to leave my team of last 2.5 years. People who have seen not just my professional ups and downs but my some of my personal ones also.This is a weird feeling. While the path ahead excites me, the people I am leaving behind swell me up with unknown emotions. I leave behind our gossip, our peals of laughter, jokes on the boss.

I cleared my desk today. Couple of awards, my coffee mug, a hand written note from a friend who celebrated my birthday at office because I was away from family and alone. I cleared memories.

But honestly this is just another day.

I come back home and sitting in the darkness of the room I reflect upon the years that went by, the people I met, the things that I said or did.

The doorbell rings and I get a Skype call at the same time. One of my direct reports is at the door with a cake and a card and 3 colleagues I can call friends is at Skype . I cut the cake , they crack silly jokes and I finally think it’s fine to let go off the tears. Another man knocks at the door and hands me a bouquet and chocolates from the same people.

Last month has been mentally exhausting. But for every person who disregards you, there will be people who respect you. For every person who puts you down, there will be people who cheer for you. And moments like these will truly define who you are and what you have achieved.


(This is part of a series of notes published under the title Life of the IT woman)